Create your company and location in Qminder

Just sign up and get started with Qminder in less than 2 minutes.

Take advantage of the Qminder free trial and sign up now.

If you are part of a company account and required to sign up to Qminder, please create your account via email invite from an Admin or an Account Owner. 

Qminder is one of the only solutions that everyone can set up themselves 👍

No software to download.
No long-term commitment.
No credit card is required.

Sign up right away and see the value before making the purchase 🙂

You don't have to worry about when to start your trial. If you need more time to get approval for the budget, have some technical questions, want to run a pilot, or anything else, drop us a note in the chat.

We can find a compromise that suits you and extend your trial if needed.