How to manage and remove Languages & Translations

Remove languages from your location, or manually edit translations.

If you added Languages to your location and used auto-translation function, you can always easily remove translations along with the languages, or manually edit - delete the translations you wish to.

How to manage and manually edit translations? 

All added translations can be managed under Location settings; Services, Input fields, Text messages, Visit Planner and iPad. 

1. Translations for Services and Input fields

The Translations column on the Services and Input fields pages under Location settings shows which elements are translated or which ones are missing. 

Screenshot 2024-10-17 at 18.32.16

Change the language from the upper menu or click on a name to see the translated Service names or Input field titles. . 

From here you can manually add, edit or remove translations you wish. 

On the Services page, click on the Service name you wish to edit the translations of. 

Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 17.25.49

In Input Fields, to add or edit translations, choose the Input Field you wish to edit and click on the Edit translations button under the Input Field title.  

Screenshot 2024-10-17 at 18.43.47

2. Translations for Text messages

To see the translations for Text messages, click on the Text message you wish to configure and scroll down to the Translations section. From here, you can edit, delete or manually add translations for each text message. 

Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 17.59.05

If a Text message is missing a translation, you will see the Translation missing warning on the related Text message.

Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 18.01.36

3. Translations for Visit Planner

On Visit Planner, you can translate the Title, Description, and Notes and manually edit them. The elements that are translated will have a green translation icon, while the elements that are not translated will have a red translation icon. 

Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 18.05.03Click on the text to see translations. From here, you can edit, remove, or add translations.

Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 18.07.58

How to remove languages and all translations? 

If you want to remove all the translations together, you can simply delete the language(s). This will remove automatically or manually added translations for the deleted language from Services, Input fields, Text messages, Visit Planner and iPad devices. 

To delete a language, go to Location settings > Languages and click on the delete icon next to the language name.

 Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 18.11.02