Text Messaging FAQs

What is text messaging in Qminder, how much does it cost, and how do you set it up?

Text Messaging allows you to automate communications and let your visitors wait for their turn remotely. It is ideal for dispersing crowds in waiting areas.

    Text messaging feature provides an easy way for physical locations to communicate with visitors directly via SMS. Whether you need to send check-in confirmation, waitlist updates, or custom notifications, text messaging offers a direct line to your visitors.

    What Is Text Messaging in Qminder?

    Text messaging in Qminder allows you to:

    • Send automated messages such as; welcome text, custom instructions, waitlist updates, and call visitors for service.
    • Receive and send replies to visitors via SMS with two-way-text messaging capability.
    • Start a conversation with a visitor and text them directly from Qminder when it's needed.

    How Much Does Text Messaging Cost?

    The Text Messaging feature is only available to the Business package and higher plans.

    The SMS charges are included in the pricing for locations that are based in the United States.

    For other locations, the cost of text messaging in Qminder varies based on your country and the number of texts you plan to send monthly. We offer a pay-as-you-go model, where each text message is charged individually, ensuring flexibility and affordability. Prices typically depend on the carrier fees in your area. For more details, please contact our support team or refer to our pricing page.

    How to Set Up Text Messaging in Qminder

    Setting up text messaging is simple! Here’s how:

    1. Log into your Qminder dashboard.
    2. Navigate tosSettings: From the main dashboard, find the “Settings” tab.
    3. Select Text Messaging: In the settings menu, locate the “Text Messaging” option.
    4. Enable Text Messaging: Toggle the text messaging option on to activate it.
    5. Customize auto-messages: Qminder provides customizable templates. You can set the message content to fit your brand voice and adjust the types of notifications to send.


    Once you’ve completed these steps, your visitors will start receiving automated text messages.

    You can see which notifications have been sent to a visitor from the Activity & Messages section in the Service View. You can send replies and check received messages from visitors from the same section.


    Text messaging is an essential feature if you want to disperse crowds with remote sign-in and virtual queuing. It's also a great way to improve communication with your visitors, which will ensure a smooth waiting experience.