Qminder can send you notifications about the status of the queue.
System Requirements
Notifications are supported on the following devices:
Google Chrome
Enabling Notifications

You can find settings for notifications in the Qminder Dashboard under Account > Notifications

Google Chrome
Click on Enable desktop alerts and Allow in the presented dialog.

You can always check and change notification settings for Chrome.
In your Chrome browser, open Settings.
At the bottom, click Advanced.
Under "Privacy and security," click Content settings.
Click Notifications.
Choose to block or allow notifications.
Can't hear notifications in Chrome?
If you are not receiving notifications with sound in Chrome, click on the padlock icon in the address bar, and go to 'Site settings':

Then, ensure 'Sound' is set to 'Allow':

Click on Enable desktop alerts and Allow in the presented dialog.

Qminder Dashboard app on iOS
On iOS app navigate to Notification Settings using the collapsable menu. Please tap Enable Push Notifications and on Allow in the popup dialog.

Qminder notifies you about the following events:
New visitor waiting - When you are idle and not serving any visitors we will let you know when new visitor signs in.
You forgot to mark visitor as "served" - Not marking visitor as served affects the statistics, so it's best to clear this up right away. You will receive a notification about 20 minutes after calling a visitor.
Weekly statistics - Every Monday morning we will send you statistics for the previous week.
Wait time is not acceptable - We will let you know when someone has been waiting longer than what is acceptable in your location, based on historic data.
Queue is getting too long - We will let you know when the queue is getting longer than what is acceptable in your location, based on historic data.
Conditions to Notifications
Notifications are only being sent to idle users. You are considered "idle" when you have not used Qminder for more than two minutes ago.
Also, you will only receive notifications when there is no other active user working on the same line as yours.
When using Qminder in the Dashboard app on the iPhone as well as on the computer, note that your activity in the app and on the desktop relate to each other. This means you might not be notified about an event when you're considered active using either of your devices.
Since it is challenging to coordinate your two devices' and your co-workers activity in order to guarantee receiving notifications, please note that it is not recommended to rely exclusively on notifications during the workday.