Remove manual translations and custom-added languages before configuring Language settings.
Before configuring Language settings, it's essential to prepare your location’s existing setup. If your location uses manual translations or previously custom-added languages, follow these steps to ensure a smooth transition to the new Languages & Translations setup and avoid any inconsistencies in your workflows.
Manually added translations on Services, Text messages, and iPad devices
Some locations might have Service names, Text messages, and Review text on iPad that includes multiple translations along with English.
Before using the Auto-translate function, make sure to remove translations and to keep only English texts available.
If you have custom translations in Services, Input Fields, or Text Messages, we recommend copying them outside Qminder. Later, when reviewing for accuracy, you may prefer to replace the automated translations with your custom versions.
Here is an example of manual translations that need to be adjusted:
Manually added language selection on iPad flows
Before adding languages to an iPad device through iPad settings, ensure that any custom questions prompting visitors to choose a language are removed.
If there are branches connected to the custom question, they will automatically be removed from the flow when you delete the question.
Here’s an example of an iPad flow that needs adjustment due to a manual language selection question:
Deleting these fields from an iPad flow will not remove the corresponding input fields from the Input Fields page under Location settings. You can later delete these fields from Input Fields settings to keep your setup streamlined and organized.
If you need help or have any questions, contact us from the live support chat. Our team is here to help you! 💚
If you are finished with the steps listed above, head over to the help article that will guide you on "How to create a multilingual flow with Languages & Translations feature"