How to manage the queue, call visitors and serve visitors?
The Service View is the primary tool of customer service. This is where you can see all the visitors in line, call them for service, and fill in their information.

The left side of the Service View displays the list of visitors currently in line.
The right side of the Service View shows the currently selected visitor.
Filter lines and select a desk
When working with the Service View, from the top left corner make sure to select the lines which visitors you want to see and, if applicable, select your desk:

You can search through line and desk names to find what you need quickly in the line and desk selection. While you can select multiple lines by clicking on line names, you can also click on SELECT ALL or NONE options.
Add a visitor
You can add a new visitor to the queue by clicking on the +ADD VISITOR button in the bottom left corner. If you have an iPad connected, a QR code, or a Visit Planner website set up, then the visitors can sign in by themselves.

Fill in all the information as indicated in the empty fields:

When finished with entering information, click on the green button called ADD VISITOR TO QUEUE at the bottom of the window. Alternatively, hit Enter on your keyboard
Call a visitor
To call the first visitor, click on the bright green text at the center of your screen.

Alternatively, you can select a specific visitor from the list on the left. Clicking on a name will open up that visitor's details. To start serving this visitor, click on the green button CALL VISITOR at the bottom of the view.

The TV will display the called visitor's name as well as the desk they should go to.
Note that the bar at the center top of the Service View indicates a visitor's status.

Finish serving a visitor
When you're done serving a visitor, click FINISH SERVING THIS VISITOR or click CALL NEXT to mark the current visitor as served and also call the next one.

Additional queue management actions
Clicking the three dots sign next to CALL NEXT offers more queue management actions:

Call Again - The TV displays the call notification again. (only available when TV is connected)
Assign To - Assign the visitor to a specific clerk.
Forward - Places the visitor into a different line
No Show - Marks the visitor as missed their turn.
Return to Queue - Places the visitor back into the same line.
Remove - Deletes the visitor from the queue.
To remove a visitor first, return them back to the queue, then click on their name. Click on the delete icon in the bottom right corner.

Reorder visitors in the queue
You can change the order of visitors. To do this first, click on a visitor name from the left-hand list and then click-hold and drag the reorder icon upwards or downwards:

Add and edit information
You can complete or change information about a visitor directly in the visitor details view. Here you can add an email address, phone number, labels, or change the service line.

Click on the visitor name you wish from Waiting List or Serving Now from the left-hand list and choose the information field you want to update from the right-hand detail view.
NB! Custom Input Fields can be added and configured by Locations Manager users.
Display extra information on the waitlist
If you wish to see specific Input Fields or Labels in the left-hand waitlist, Location Manager users can choose what information to display by clicking on the gear icon next to Serving Now.

Once you click on that icon, you can select and deselect the information you wish to display on the waitlist.
NB! Any change you make will affect all clerks at the current location.

Activity Log
Scroll down in a visitor's details view to see the activity log. Here you can see all steps of a visitor's stay at your location. This includes the times they were added to the queue, called, served, or forwarded to a different line.
If you are using Automated Text Messages, the activity log will also show text messages sent to the visitor. If you need to reach out, simply type a message in the field under a sent message to start chatting with a visitor:

The Completed section displays today’s Served visitors, No-shows, and Removed visitors in your location. It displays completed Visits for visitors who signed in or were added today.

Under the Completed section, you can see who finished the Service, labels for status, and timestamp. Click on the visitor name to see the visitor details and edit the information.
Additionally, you can receive text messages from visitors after completing the Service and send a reply from the Activity & Messages on the Service View.
A notification will be displayed for visitors who have unread messages under the Completed section.